Prayer with Fasting for Israel’s Salvation

The nation of Israel is passing through a most critical hour since her establishment as a modern State in 1948. Israel is confronted with war on multiple fronts, within and without the present borders of Israel. The IDF (Israel Defense Force has been fighting a war in Gaza for months and has suffered great losses and casualties, whether it be the deaths and severe wounding of many of our civilians and soldiers or the deaths and inhuman humiliations of many of our hostages.

There are also internal conflicts that threaten Israel’s unity and strength. There are pressures and demands of the US and other nations that might result in Israel’s defeat if Israel submits to them.

There have been several calls to prayer in Israel by the religious establishment, but there is a need for the Body of Messiah Yeshua in Israel to gather together and come before the throne in heaven on behalf of the nation of Israel, beseeching God that His mercy, forgiveness, protection and divine intervention be extended to His people. There have been prayers in the individual congregations in Israel and abroad. There have been joint prayers among Jewish and Arab leaders.

Now there is a call to the Body of Messiah in Israel for three days of fasting and prayer for the Body and the nation of Israel, in repentance, prayer, and supplication, with thanksgiving, from the 25-27 February: we will beseech God to have mercy and to forgive our people of our sins, of our turning to the arm of flesh rather than to Him, the living God of Israel. We will bring the sins of our nation before Him and remind Him of His covenantal promises to Israel and pray that His Name be honored and His glory revealed amongst us.

We believe that He will surely hear our prayers for Israel and respond to our cry for mercy on behalf of our people. Our only true hope, legitimacy, and destiny as a nation is in the Lord Yeshua and His Word. Our only confidence is that as we honor, exalt, and enthrone our King through our lives as His Kehilah (Church) in His land, in faith and in lowliness of heart, the Lord will have mercy on His people, will answer us and will be zealous for His Land (Joel 2:18).

Remember the words of Daniel:

     Daniel 11:32b

Thank you for your prayers. We love and appreciate you very much. Your prayers and support enable us to continue our call to go to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel with the Good News of Salvation in Yeshua. We welcome your comments, questions and prayer requests.

   For the salvation of Israel and the nations,
   In His love,
        Simcha and Bella Davidov
          Ashdod, Israel

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